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Code of Conduct


Millis Youth Baseball is a ZERO tolerance league. There will be no exceptions to the code of conduct and disciplinary action will be enforced. 

MILLIS YOUTH BASEBALL is a private, non-profit organization and is not affiliated with the town of Millis, Millis Public Schools, or any other organization. Playing in, coaching for, and volunteering for MYB is a privilege and not a right.

1. All persons involved with MYB including parents/guardians, players, head coaches/coaches and officials shall abide by the code of conduct and all the rules governing the league.

2. It is the duty of all managers/coaches to control their players and spectators at all times.

3. All managers, coaches and assistants are expected to comply with the stated purpose and the rules of MYB.

4. All participants, spectators and guests are subject to all the rules and regulations of MYB.

5. Coaches should teach their players to respect the dignity of the game, the authority of its officials, the value of the opponent and the institutions they represent.

6. Coaches shall confine their discussions with the opposing team and game officials to interpretation of the rules and NOT challenge an umpire’s judgment call. A judgment call is considered, ball/strike, safe/out, and/ or fair/foul.

7. Cursing, obscene or threatening gestures or language, harassment of any kind, malicious or personal remarks between opponents, players, spectators or officials on or off the field will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary action. Anyone in violation will be immediately removed from the field or field area and forbidden to return until disciplinary action(s)/decision(s) have been made.

8. Improper use of, or deliberate damage to the equipment or property by anyone will not be tolerated and will be grounds for disciplinary action.

9. Officers, directors, umpires and all coaching staff are responsible for enforcing the rules and regulations on and off the playing field.

10. The rosters, a player’s name or evaluations are the property of MYB and will not be released to the public, media and or placed on-line without the consent of MYB.

11. All email addresses are for MYB purposes only. They will not be used for personal items or solicitations that are not baseball related.

12. Telephone/Verbal/Email/In-person assaults, harassment and/ or threats are strictly forbidden. Coaches/Parents with sensitive questions, coaching/player problems or moral/ethical issues that may require board intervention, will not email team parents, coaches, town representatives or travel league organizations. Any and all emails regarding a disciplinary problem(s) and action(s) are strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone other than the parties involved. Violation of this policy will result in immediate disciplinary action.

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